Sunday, October 17, 2010

Review: Oakland Primanti's


It's getting colder outside, which means it's time to pack on that bulk for the winter hibernation and eat some Primanti's!  Yesterday we went to the Oakland Primanti's (and subsequently watched the Pens demolish the Flyers), and we have thoughts.  First off, the sandwiches at this Primanti's seemed to be a lot heftier than those in the Strip.  Soroush (aforementioned 'manimal' in the Strip experience) believes the sandwiches to be jucier at the Oakland location, which I guess is possible.  Annie and I got the turkey and cheese, and James got the cappy.  Standard.
We had a lot of visitors this trip (holla Katie S, Erin, Bill, Katie F, Danielle, Jason, Kyra, Soroush, Steve, and Danielle's friend who I can't remember your name.  I'm pretty sure you won't read this blog, and therefore won't be offended).  Seemed like the general consensus is that this is our favorite Primanti's so far.  My one complaint is that IC Light is only available in bottles, and sometimes you need half a liter of IC Light (above in the picture is Yuengling) in order to really feel at one with your city, especially during such a great Pittsburgh sports weekend as this one was.

James and I had a conversation, and I would like some input from the readers (all 5 of you).  James believes Primanti's to be an acceptable place for a Pittsburgh first date, since both you and the date will be messy and probably have food in your hair (I put "Pittsburgh first date" in order to clarify that only Pittsburgh girls will appreciate this as a date location, since traditionally the guy takes a girl to a classier joint).  Therefore, the girl or guy won't feel embarassed by his or her messy eating habits.  My opinion is just to minimize those food/hair opportunities and just go somewhere else.  General thoughts?

Finally, I would just like to say that this weekend was extraordinary for Pittsburgh sports.  Little feels better than a victory over Philly, especially when Sid scores 2 goals, and that merriment definitely spread into the rest of the night (see pics below).  And what up Steelers over the Brownies.

Soroush wanted a braid

I'm not sure where our next pursuit will take place, as we have no idea which Primanti's was founded next.  Hopefully we can overcome this challenge, and we'll let you know when we go.

Until next time, eat on!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Outing #2

Our second pursuit will be this weekend on Saturday, 10/16, at the Oakland location (on Forbes next to Hems).  We are planning on going around 5:45-6pm and catching the first period of the Pens-Flyers game.  Possibly get rowdy with a few IC Lights and "light" banter with Flyers fans.  Come in your Pens-iest gear and eat your face off with us!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Stop #1


So we did our first stop on Saturday at the Primanti's in the Strip.  I had visitors from Philadelphia (shoutout to Kate, Joa, Erika, and Steph) and a few other friends came for the ride too (what up Soroush, Bill, and Katie), and since us bloggers plus our guests were such a large posse, we ended up sitting in 2 separate groups.  Note for the future - lines are Primanti's on a Saturday afternoon are enormous!  While I would like to think that the line was so long because our blog is so baller and everyone reads it, the more likely reason is that it was a beautiful Pittsburgh fall day and Pitt was about to play a few hours later.

Inside, where the magic happens

Kate, Erika, and Joa devouring

Anyways, Annie and I had the turkey and cheese, and James devoured the capicola.  All around delicious, as expected.  Some additional highlights of the trip include a woman selling baklava table to table ($1 - bargain), our saucy waiter, and Soroush housing 2 sandwiches.  Manimal.

Our next stop will be the Primanti's in Oakland, and we'll let you know when we figure out when we will go.  Until then, eat on.